If you're looking to try and lure in new leads for your gym business, look no further because this Gym Membership Promotional Template is exactly what you need in order to generate new signups!
The background of this template features a black and white photo of a gym, which includes treadmills, weights and benches. This photo can be replaced with a photo of your own gym so you can make your marketing materials much more specific to your business!
Overlaid the background image is marketing copy that writes, "FIRST WEEK FREE," in large and red text. It also features an additional layer of the same marketing text over the top, just in white and smaller, cursive font. But this layer also writes the same thing ("First week free"), giving the whole look of this template much more character.
Make this template unique to your business by replacing all the editable elements and start sharing it today!
Try this Template

Gym Membership Promotional Template