A striking promotional template with a dark background image featuring a woman doing some yoga exercises. The top of the template also has a thin square border filled with text inside to catch the attention of any customer who might be interested in your products/services.
The simplicity of this template will immediately catch any customer's eyes, so get creative about which image you use to try and capture the attention of your customers and potential customers. Try using as few words to ensure that maximum weight is placed on every word you choose to highlight your offering.
Announce upcoming business promotions by creating a stylish and professional promotion template using this template within a few minutes! Make sure to let your creativity guide the designs as much as you want.
Once you are done, show off your business and your products/services by sharing your finished template online or offline! This is suitable as the cover of a brochure, online advertisement, or even a gift voucher. However, if this size does not suit your business needs, we offer the same template in a wider size, so you could use that instead!
Try this Template
Yoga Class With Time Template