This loaf of bread deal template pictures the crust of a loaf of bread on a light grey background. The text is positioned above the bread. in a large black font saying: This is bread - loaf of the week $4.99. This template can be used as a DL flyer, poster or social media ad, the main objective is to attract new customers to the bakery to try this bread. As the call to action it should either have the address details of the bakery, or, and especially if this template is used as a social media ad or artwork, a really informative website. People like to know the story behind the products they buy and consume, especially if it's something they eat every day like bread. The website can have an overview of all the types of breads made by the bakery, as well as how they are made, the ingredients used and why this particular loaf of bread is good for you. Crusty artisan bread is becoming a trend, with a lot of people moving away from buying the mass produced, supermarket loaf of bread.
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Loaf of Bread Deal Template