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Health Recipe Promotion Template

Illustration of an apple and a bowl of food Fresh Food
Illustration of vegetables and fruits Healthfoods
This health recipe promotion template pictures 3 different food categories. On the top you find a white text box with the writing: health recipes diets and tips. Subscribe today for a $10 voucher* @healthfoodau, in the right hand corner you find a specification note stating *for min.$60 spend. Below the text block you see 3 horizontal pictures. The top one show fresh oranges in a wire tray, one orange is sliced in half. The middle photo are two freshly baked bagels dressed with salmon and cream cheese. The bagels are presented on a light brown wooden board with a side of green olives. The bottom photo pictures 4 mini slices of chocolate brownie decorated with a flower made out of almonds. All these food options can be made as a healthy snack. This template can be used as a DL flyer, poster, social media ad or pull up banner just outside the premises to attract people to come in. If the template is used online, it should direct people to a landing page or website with the address and contact details of the provider.
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