This Nail Salon Services List Template is what your nail salon business needs if you're looking to outline, advertise and showcase the services that your salon offers.
On the right of this template features a list of services, such as Shellac, full manicure, full pedicure and removals. Paired with the actual service listing is also further information about the service itself, such as the price and the amount of time required to complete the service.
On the top of the service list writes in cursive, light beige font, "Style at your fingertips".
Underneath the service list features the template background image, which in this case is a photo of two hands, both of which have their fingers spread out widely. All the fingernails of the woman's hands in the photo feature funky patterns and designs, giving recipients of this template a sneak peek into the type of art they can feature on their own fingernails as well!
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Nail Salon Services List Template