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Value for Hygiene Template

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This horizontal template features a denim-coloured background with a pair of well-manicured hands holding up a small bottle of hand sanitiser, emphasising it as the main selling product. Next to the hand sanitiser, big texts in white states "value for hygiene," hinting that the product is worth it for recipients' hygiene. In the bottom right corner of the template, the image is cut out to reveal an orange triangle with text on the inside, saying that whoever is putting up the post/poster care about the recipients' health and that they offer hand sanitiser in personal hygiene boxes.

If your company is a pharmacy or a clinic or anything alike, this template would be perfect for you to help you advertise hand sanitiser. Feel free to edit the text to point out any special information you want your customers to know, or you can keep it as is and advertise personal boxes and single-use hygiene packages for them!
Try this Template