If your cafe is looking to try and increase returning or new customers, this Breakfast Promotional Template is perfect for doing just that!
On the right-hand side of this template is a dark blue background with information about the breakfast detail overlaid the background. The white marketing copy writes, "Time for breakfast," and on the top right, it writes, "Served everyday until 11:30PM." Both these are written in bold and eye-catching font, which is sure to catch the attention of the template recipients. On the left-hand side of this template is a photo of a breakfast meal, which in this case is avocado and eggs on toast.
Make this template fit with your cafe and your offerings by replacing everything, from the photo to the colours to the text. And. once you're done, send this template around your neighbourhood or online on social media to start generating more business and revenue today!
Try this Template

Breakfast Promotional Template