If your business offers free delivery for certain orders amount a specific amount, make it known to your existing and potential customer base with this Free Food and Salad Delivery Template.
The background image of this template are photos of some salads and vegetables put together with a white outline surrounding the border of this template. On the top right of the template is also a golden banner, which writes, "Order online or in store" in white and capitalised writing. The centre of the template includes a green abstract graphic, which writes in emboldened, capitalised and white text, "Free Delivery for any orders over $30 within 5KM."
Make this template fit with your business and your free delivery offering by editing any of the elements as you see fit. Once you're done, send it to your mailing list or post it on your social media channels to get the word out there ASAP!
Try this Template
Free Food and Salad Delivery Template