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Restaurant Lunch Menu Template

Cafe Digital Signage Templates Cafe
Hospitality Digital Signage Templates Hospitality
If you're looking for a lunch menu template for your restaurant, this template is all you need! The template is divided in two sections. The left-hand side of the template features an image of a tempting salad in a white bowl, with a top bold border in grey. The words '$10 Special' are written in bold followed by 'All Lunch Menu 12pm - 3pm' on the next line. The right-hand section features the Lunch Menu divided into two sections, Snacks and Mains. There are dishes listed under each section with a description and the price. You can edit the text easily and include dishes from your restaurant menu. The bottom-left of the template also has a little watermark with the name of the cafe, in this case it's Maple Cafe. You can customize this as well as all other elements on the template to get a completely unique menu.
Try this Template