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Exclusive Members Only Deal Template

Fast Food Digital Signage Templates Fast Food
Hospitality Digital Signage Templates Hospitality
This exclusive members only deal template is encouraging people to sign up as a member to enjoy more and better exclusive offers. this specific offer is promoting 2 for 1 regular pizzas for members only. The photo pictures a had grabbing aslice of pizza from a delicious pizza with fresh tomatoes, basilicum and mozzarella cheese. The pizza is presented on an elevated pizza plate with in the background a brick stone wall. The text on top of the page is in white and says: 2 for 1 regular pizzas - member only deal. At the the bottom of the template is a red circle with white text and a call to action: sign up for more exclusive offers. This template can be used as a DL flyer, poster or social media ad and should direct people to a landing page, website, web form or online sign up form. The target audience is young and old as everyone loves a great pizza.
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