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Herbed Hot Chips Template

Fast Food Digital Signage Templates Fast Food
Hospitality Digital Signage Templates Hospitality
Are you a restaurant or pub looking to advertise your fresh herbed hot chips? If so, this template would be perfect for you.

This template shows an image of perfectly fried, herbed, hot sweet potato chips with some barbecue dipping sauce next to them. The bright orange chips topped with fresh green herbs can really make your customers drool!

Above the image, the words "herbed hot chips" are printed in an orange text bubble, and the price is printed on the side of the image in a turquoise circle. The white space on the template is also dotted with other colourful circles.

Use this portrait template as a social media post or part of your online menu. You could also change the image and the heading to showcase other snacks or dishes your restaurant or pub wants to publicise. With Mandoe Media's editing tool, you can change it to whatever you want!
Try this Template