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Restaurant Open For Delivery Template

Hospitality Digital Signage Templates Hospitality
RSL Digital Signage Templates RSL
If you are a restaurant or coffee shop that is trying to advertise that you are now open for delivery, this template will do wonders for you. This landscape template features a close-up of a perfectly-toasted sandwich with a side of fries on the right-hand side, as well as large black against a pink background on the left-hand side!

Tell your customers that your restaurant is now open for food delivery with this simple, easy-to-read template on your social media or your website. You can edit the text at the bottom to urge customers to download your app or change the text to let them know that they can place orders online or on other food delivery apps.

You should also change the image of the food to fit your restaurant or coffee shop. Then, you can change the background and text colour to match the dish's colour.
Try this Template