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Special Event Discount Promotional Template

Hospitality Digital Signage Templates Hospitality
RSL Digital Signage Templates RSL
An exclusive, member-only special discount promotion template with a background image of a group of people having a good time at some event. There is text in the centre inside a white box explaining the details of the special discount promotion. In addition, the perks and offerings of the event are noted, and there is rotated text on the sides of the white box to incentivise people to sign up to enjoy these perks. Show off what promotion your company is currently offering, and let your creative streak take the reign by using this template! With this editable template, fill in the promotion details, get creative with the fonts, colours and illustrations, and ... Voilà! Finally, you have a creative template of your product/service offering that appeals to existing or new customers. Once you're done, send it electronically or print it out and distribute it offline, or both – the choice is entirely up to you!
Try this Template