This kids dental promotional template is picturing a boy with a big smile and beautiful healthy teeth. The template is positioned horizontally, with the photo in the right hand side and on the left on a dark blue background text saying: Kids dental clean + check up - only $99. This template can be used as a DL flyer, poster, pull up banner or social media ad. Call to action should be the website of the dentist with more information on the dental clean and check up appointment for kids and an online booking tool so people can make an appointment straight away if they are interested. Alternatively it can also provide the contact details of the dentist including a phone number so people can call and book in their appointment. Healthy teeth for children are important as this will reduce problem with their teeth at a on older age and getting kids used to going to the dentist from a young age will ensure they understand the importance of brushing their teeth well and not eating too much sugar.
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Kids Dental Promotional Template