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New Store Opening Template

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Illustration of a needle Medical
Are you opening a new store? This new store opening template is for you, including the only two things that any store opening announcement would need, an awesome photo and the announcement itself. On the top left of this template is bold, white text that writes, "Now open weekends." But this can be replaced with any new opening announcement that you want! On the bottom right of this template is a picture of a man excited, building a sense of excitement and anticipation about the opening announcement. This image, like the announcement marketing copy, can also be replaced with any photo you choose! These elements fall on a light blue backdrop, giving this entire template a very soft and happy feel. If you have an upcoming business opening announcement to make, use this one. And once you're done, send it around to your friends, family and community network, so you can build the necessary hype you need for this new store!
Try this Template