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Opening Hours Announcement Template

Illustration of a needle Medical
Pharmacy Digital Signage Templates Pharmacies
This Opening Hours Announcement Template is what you need to get creative about letting your existing and potential customers know about which hours you and your business will be up and running and on which days. While there is undoubtedly the Google Business Listing feature, which can help communicate your opening hours, why don't you get more creative by using a template like this? On the right-hand side contains a photo of some pills, which can, of course, be replaced with any photo that you think represents your business, its identity and products. And on the left-hand side of this template contains more information about the business' opening hours. Make this template your own by modifying the hours so that it accurately reflects your business activities. Then, once you're done doing that, get designing and change up the colours and the photos so that this template visually represents you and your brand!
Try this Template