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Meet Your Strata Managers Template

Illustration of a house Real Estate
Strata Digital Signage Templates Strata
This template is perfect for strata management bodies which wish to introduce themselves to their residents. It's a fantastic piece of signage, with a clear message and ample space for the advertisers contact details, including names, numbers and times of availability.

The colouring in the template is a pleasant dark green, which goes well with the image on the template, which is that of a modern, leafy green strata complex... a very pleasing image for the viewer!

This template features a simple white font which is extremely clear and easy to read on the dark green background. The font is complemented by the use of some light green text and circles.

The layout of the text will be super friendly to the reader, ensuring that they're able to make sense of the information being displayed quickly and easily.

This template is easily editable, meaning you can add the details required for your complex.
Try this Template