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Free Gift Wrapping Promotional Template

Gift Store Digital Signage Templates Gifts
Illustration of a shopping cart Retail
If you offer free gift wrapping at your store then this professionally made template is just for you. And just like your gift wrapping, this template is totally free! Since the holiday season is approaching, it's a smart idea to offer free gift wrapping. Customers who are buying gifts will appreciate the service, and might recommend your store to their friends. Let everyone know about your generous free gift wrapping service by using this free template on your digital signage! You can even add your logo to it and make it branded. Mandoe Media provides you this free template and a virtually endless supply of others. You can download and use any of them for free now! Download this Free Gift Wrapping Promotional Template and add it to your store's digital signage. Simply add it to your current playlist, or create a new playlist for it!
Try this Template