This Newsletter Sign Up Discount Template is exactly what your business needs if you're hoping to increase the number of email signups.
In the background of this template, there is a photo of a kitchen in an open and bright space. On the kitchen bench are appliances and the corner of the photo features the presence of some plants.
Overlaid on the background image are some graphics with marketing copy written over the top. On the top left hand side of the template, it writes, "Get $10 off" with text underneath that writes, "When you sign up for our newsletter for any purchase over $50".
On the bottom left of the template writes, "Sign up today" on another graphic.
All these elements, the graphics, the colours, the marketing copy, the font and the background image can all be modified to suit you and your business.
Once you're done, send this template around so you can start growing that mailing list ASAP!
Try this Template
Newsletter Sign Up Discount Template