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Global Coffee Prices and Trends 2024

Coffee Cost and Consumption Trends for Every Continent

Coffee is one of the few truly global drinks, it is enjoyed on all seven continents. Wherever you go, you get to explore local culture by popping into a café.

The fact that coffee is so ubiquitous prompted us to explore the subject and look at it from a global rather than local perspective. Creating the Global Coffee Prices and Trends report involved many hours of manual research and number crunching. But it was worth it.

We reveal how much a cup of Joe costs on every continent and in each country’s capital city and share some fascinating facts about how people across the world enjoy their coffee. Join us as we explore bean economics.
Key Findings

  • In Denmark you´ll pay the most for your cup of coffee – an average of $5.45 per cup, ouch!
  • Tunisians pay the least for their daily coffee – on average just $0.56 per cup.
  • The Finns drink 12kgs of coffee per head, per year, more than any other country.
  • Indians are the least caffeinated – despite being a coffee-growing country, Indians only consume around 90g per head of population per year.


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Denmark has the most expensive coffee in the world

Danes love to meet up in cafes to Hygge (pronounced hoo-guh), a special word which basically means spending time with others and enjoying convivial conversation in a particularly cosy and comfortable environment. If that is done over coffee and cake it is called kaffeslabberas. When they marry many Danes still host a bryllupskaffe which is a wedding coffee reception. So, it is safe to say that coffee is a part of Danish DNA.

In 2006, the third wave coffee movement started in Copenhagen and gradually spread throughout the country. That is when specialist coffee became popular. Today, most Danes drink specialty coffee that is brewed using specialist equipment. The country is home to several World Barista champions. Including Klaus Thomsen, the co-founder of The Coffee Collective and Patrik Rolf who won it in 2023.


The high price of coffee does not stop the Danes from enjoying it

Despite paying $5.45 a cup, Danes still consume a lot more coffee than most other countries do. Drinking 8.7kg per head, which makes them the 8th biggest coffee consumers in the world.


Imagine paying just $0.56 for your morning commuter coffee

On average, Tunisians pay just $0.56 for a cup of coffee. Unlike most other North African countries, where tea is the preferred drink, coffee is popular in Tunisia.

It is drunk at home as well as in cafes. The low price point means that people from all levels of society enjoy at least one coffee in a café, most days. Often, with a Tunisian-style doughnut.

Most Tunisians drink espressos. A style of coffee that became popular when the French arrived in the late 18th century. Before that, drinking Turkish-style coffee was the norm. This is hardly surprising given the fact that it was the Ottomans that brought coffee to Tunisia in the 16th century.


Other global coffee pricing trends

That´s the headlines, but we wanted to know more, so we dug a little deeper. Starting by looking at how much a cup of coffee costs in every capital.

In each city, we selected 3 popular cafes and looked up the cost of a latte (or espresso), Americano and cappuccino online. Then took those prices, added them up and divided the result by 3 to get the average price per cup, for each capital.

We then analysed that data to reveal previously hidden trends and the price of coffee on each continent and sub-region. Below are the highlights. If you want to you can also review the data yourself using the links provided.


Residents of smaller countries pay more for their coffee

The people of Denmark, Monaco and Switzerland are all paying over $5 per cup of coffee. They occupy the top 3 spots in our list of most expensive coffee. Liechtenstein comes in at number 7. There are also 3 relatively small island nations in the top 10 – Antigua and Barbuda, The Cayman Islands and Bermuda.

However, it is important to note the fact that 3 of them have a higher-than-average high-wealth population, per capita. For example, in Switzerland 15% of people are millionaires.

As you would expect, the cost of living has a significant impact on where countries rank in the price of coffee list. For example, according to Numbeo, Bermuda currently tops that list and Switzerland is the 2nd most expensive place to live.


High consumption does not necessarily mean cheaper coffee

Usually, when something is in high demand, prices can be set at a lower point. But, with coffee, it is not as simple as that.

According to World Population Reviews, Fins consume more coffee than anyone else  – a surprising 12 kg per head, per year. That works out to 3 to 5 cups of light roast coffee every day. Far more than anyone else. Yet they still pay an average of $3.88 per cup. Ranking 11th in our price per cup list.

It´s a similar story with Norwegians who drink 9.9kg of coffee per year. Making them the 2nd biggest coffee consumers in the world. They pay $3.90 per cup and rank 10th in the list of the world´s most expensive coffee.

Both examples demonstrate that, when it comes to coffee, high demand does not always translate into a low per-cup price.


The cost of coffee compared on each continent

That’s what you need to know about the countries where coffee is the cheapest and most expensive. Now, let’s look at pricing at the continent level.


Coffee prices in Europe

Europeans have been drinking coffee since the 17th century. They are the biggest consumers in the world, by far. According to the International Coffee Organisation, in 2021, they consumed 54,065 60 kg bags of beans, while North Americans drank only 40% of that amount.

How much Europeans pay for their coffee varies widely. Here are the main facts:

  • On average Europeans spend $2.54 for a cup of coffee
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina is the cheapest European country for coffee, where you pay an average of $0.95 per cup
  • Denmark is the most expensive place to buy coffee at $5.45

OK, that’s the figure for Europe as a whole. Now, let’s get an overview of how the different European regions stack up against each other price and consumption-wise.
Automica Coffee Pricing Europe

Demand for coffee is growing fast in Eastern Europe

In the past few years, coffee drinking in Eastern Europe has grown fast. But it is Poland where the most outside-of-the-home consumption takes place. The Poles still drink about 40% of the coffee that is consumed in Eastern Europe and pay around $2.42, per cup. But other countries are catching up fast. For example, in Slovakia, the demand for a cup of the brown stuff has grown by 204%.
Here are the price details:

  • On average Eastern Europeans pay $1.75 for a cup of coffee
  • Moldova has the cheapest coffee in Eastern Europe, where it costs just $1.07 per cup
  • The most expensive coffee in Eastern Europe is to be found in the Czech Republic, where they pay $2.83 a cup


The price of a cup of coffee in Northern Europe

Northern Europeans have had a long love affair with coffee. The first coffee house opened in Oxford Street, London in 1650. But by then the Hungarians and Venetians had already been drinking it for close to a hundred years. The Turks introduced it to both countries when they invaded.

Here is what we discovered about coffee prices in Northern Europe:

  • On average Northern Europeans pay $3.27 for a cup of coffee
  • Latvia has the cheapest coffee in Northern Europe, there they pay $1.87 per cup
  • The most expensive coffee in Northern Europe, and the world, is in Denmark where it costs $5.45 per cup


Southern European coffee is highly affordable

Even in the hot weather, most Southern Europeans drink at least one coffee per day. Usually, in a café at breakfast or at around 11 am. The Italians love it so much that they asked UNESCO to grant their espresso protected status.

  • In Southern Europe the average price is $1.65 per cup
  • The cheapest coffee in Southern Europe is to be found in Bosnia and Herzegovina at $0.95 per cup
  • The most expensive cup of coffee in Southern Europe is in Greece where the average price is $2.62

In Greece, there is plenty of competition. On average there are 34 cafes for every 10,000 people, so it is a little strange that they pay so much per cup. It could be related to the fact that they mostly drink it Freddo style, which is a unique blend of cold or iced espresso and frothy milk.

Coffee in Western Europe is expensive

Coffee in Western Europe is expensive. The 9 countries in the area rank between number 2 and 33 in our coffee price index. But the fact it is quite expensive does not put them off drinking it regularly. Especially not Norwegians who spend the most per annum, on average $158.97.

The costs are as follows:

  • A cup of coffee costs an average of $3.89 in Western Europe
  • The cheapest coffee in Western Europe is found in the Netherlands and costs $3.24 per cup
  • The most expensive coffee in Western Europe is to be found in Monaco at $5.02 per cup


The cost of a cup of coffee in the Americas

Coffee is incredibly important for the Americas. When the coffee plant was introduced to Latin America in the early 18th century it kickstarted an industry that transformed the area. Today, Brazil produces 2.68 million metric tonnes, which makes it the biggest producer of coffee in the world.

North Americans started drinking coffee when the British introduced it in the mid-17th century, which was great timing. The 1773 revolt against King George III lead to Americans switching from drinking tea to coffee.

Today, Americans are the 3rd biggest coffee drinkers in the world. Consuming 31,000 60kg bags. Which, surprisingly, is about half the amount Europeans consume.

In Canada, coffee is more popular than tap water. Seventy-one percent of Canadians drink coffee most days, but only 63% drink tap water regularly. On average, they consume 152.1 litres of coffee per year.

Here are the key pricing stats for The Americas:

  • The average price per cup in The Americas is $2.62
  • The cheapest place to drink coffee in The Americas is Cuba, where it costs $1.05 per cup
  • The most expensive coffee in the Americas is in Bermuda, where it costs an eye-watering $4.40

Automica Coffee Pricing Americas

Here are the stats for each sub-region of The Americas:

Coffee costs for Latin America and the Caribbean

Both Latin America and the Caribbean have strong coffee-growing histories. Brazil is the most prolific grower in the world. In 2023, the amount they exported rose by 17.7%. Yet, the price of coffee there is still quite high at $1.80 per cup.

Several Caribbean countries also produce coffee but on a much smaller scale. Including the famous Blue Mountain coffee from Jamaica and Haiti´s Robust Rebo Coffee.

In the Caribbean locals are increasingly enjoying coffee. They love to drink coffee-based cocktails made with rum, amaretto shaved almonds and whipped cream.

Here are the headlines for the region:

  • On average coffee in Latin America and The Caribbean costs $2.28 per cup
  • The cheapest cup is found in Cuba at $1.05 per cup
  • A cup of coffee in Antigua and Barbuda costs $4.56 – the 4th most expensive in the world


Northern America

Both Canadians and Americans drink a lot of coffee. Two-thirds of Americans drink it every day. New Yorkers drink 7 times more coffee than the rest of the USA. In Canada, 72% of Canadians aged between 18 and 79 drink it daily.

Here are the headline coffee price figures for The Americas:

  • On average a cup of coffee costs $3.72 in The Americas
  • The cheapest coffee is to be found in Canada at $2.90 per cup
  • Bermudans pay the most for coffee in North America where it costs $4.40 a cup



The story of coffee is varied across the continent of Oceania. In Australia, 78% of people drink coffee at least once a week. New Zealanders like coffee too, with around 66% drinking it regularly.

In Polynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia consumption is still considerably lower. But they are catching up fast. For example, in 2010, Papua New Guineans consumed less than 0.070kg per head of population, less than virtually any other country. Just 11 years later they were consuming 3.49kg per capita. They are now the 67th on the list of global coffee consumers.

How it is drunk is also quite varied throughout the continent. Around 50% of Australians drink it iced, whilst in Tonga drinking it with tinned condensed milk is very popular.

Here are the key statistics for Oceania:

  • The average price of a cup of coffee in Oceania is $2.25 per cup
  • The cheapest cup of coffee in Oceania is found on the island of Palau, where it costs $1.53
  • New Zealand is the most expensive country to drink coffee in Oceania, where it costs $2.94 per cup

Automica Coffee Pricing Oceania

The Asian coffee market trends and prices

Most people assume that people in Asia don’t drink much coffee, but that is not the case. The longer their coffee history, the more they drink today. For example, the Japanese, the biggest coffee drinkers in Asia, have been drinking it since the mid-1800s. Today, 38% of Japanese people drink at least 2 cups a day.

The Japanese are also credited with creating an early version of instant coffee. A combination of coffee and sugar was shaped into balls so that it could be dropped into a cup of hot water.

Here is an overview of the cost of coffee on the continent of Asia:

  • The average price of coffee on the continent of Asia is $2.21
  • The cheapest place to drink coffee in Asia is Uzbekistan, where it costs $1.07 per cup
  • At $4.32 a cup Qatar has the most expensive coffee in Asia

Automica Coffee Pricing Asia

Coffee prices across Central Asia are low

Overall, drinking coffee in Central Asia is relatively cheap. There tea is the drink that most people enjoy every day. This is the case even though Ethiopian coffee was introduced to the area in the 1600s. Yet, in Uzbekistan, 99.6% of the time it is tea rather than coffee that is drunk.

Here are the statistics for coffee prices in Central Asia:

  • The average cost of a cup of coffee in Central Asia is $1.37
  • Uzbekistan is the cheapest place to drink coffee in Central Asia, there it costs $1.07
  • Tajikistan sells the most expensive coffee which costs $1.79 per cup


Eastern Asia

Tea is still popular in Eastern Asia, but coffee drinking is becoming the norm, especially for younger people. In Japan, most people drink it at least once a day and consumption is expected to continue to grow at about 7.8% per annum, for the next few years. Coffee consumption in China has also skyrocketed. Between 2015 and 2020 it doubled, but most Chinese people still don´t drink it regularly. Chinese coffee consumption works out at about 10 cups per year.

The cost of a cup of coffee in Eastern Asia – the headline figures:

  • On average a cup of coffee in Eastern Asia costs $3.51
  • The cheapest cup of coffee in Eastern Asia is to be found in Japan, where the average cost is $3.11 per cup
  • The Taiwanese pay the most for their coffee, the price is $3.78 per cup


South-Eastern Asia

Coffee consumption in Southeast Asia is growing. Increasing urbanisation and disposable income and the influence of Western culture are all contributing to this. Again, it is mainly the young who are drinking more coffee. But they are doing it in their own way. For example, Indonesians now drink more coffee than Australians. But they like it made traditionally in the Kopi Tubruk style.

Vietnam, which is the world’s 2nd biggest producer, has always had a strong and distinctive coffee culture, which is still growing. In Vietnam condensed coffee which includes using egg or coconut to enhance the taste is very popular. They are also masters of blending beans grown in different places to produce coffee with unusual taste profiles.

  • In South-East Asia the average cost of a cup of coffee is $2.09
  • The cheapest coffee in South-East Asia is in Indonesia where it costs $1.30
  • Singapore is the most expensive place to buy a cup of coffee in Southeast Asia, it costs $3.75


Southern Asia

In most South Asian countries coffee consumption levels are still very low. For example, on average Indians only drink about 30 cups of coffee per year. That is the average per capita, but young people drink much more of it, while older people drink none. So, the market is likely to grow rapidly over the next decade or so.

There is a lot of pent-up demand amongst the young in other South Asian countries. But it could be some time before growth accelerates. For example, Iranian youngsters enjoy café culture. But in recent years some cafes have been forced to close by the government, while others have stayed open and thrived. So, it is hard to see whether consumption will rise or fall in countries like Iran.

  • The average cost of coffee in Southern Asia is $1.14 per cup
  • Pakistanis enjoy the cheapest coffee in Southern Asia where it costs just $0.96 per cup
  • The most expensive coffee in Southern Asia is found in Sri Lanka, where it costs $1.51


Western Asia

Compared to most parts of the world coffee is not a very popular drink in Western Asia. In Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iraq, and Yemen consumption rates are lower than 1kg per head of population. While in Lebanon it is 3.8kg and in Israel, it is 4.4kg per person, per year. In both countries, demand is growing at quite a fast rate.

However, the fact that not a lot of coffee is drunk in some Western Asia countries does not mean that they do not have a highly developed coffee culture. When it is drunk it is usually for a special occasion. Most countries on this continent have been drinking it for several hundred years, so have special ways to prepare it. In Yemen, it is often flavoured with cardamom and is called quawa. Saudis drink it this way too but call it gahwa.

  • People in Western Asia pay an average of $2.64 per cup for their coffee
  • The cheapest coffee in Western Asia is sold in Armenia where it costs just $1.38 per cup
  • The most expensive country to buy coffee in Western Asia is Qatar, where it costs $4.32 a cup


The cost of a cup of coffee in Africa in 2024

Africa has a diverse coffee culture that is far older than many people realise. Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee Arabia. There the nomadic Oromo people have been consuming it since the 8th century.

Today, coffee is grown in many African countries. Uganda, Côte d’Ivoire, Tanzania, Kenya, Burundi, Ethiopia, and Rwanda all export significant quantities. However, in many African countries, it is not drunk habitually. This is largely because it costs too much and is not easy to get hold of.

Before we take a more in-depth look at the varied coffee cultures of Africa, here are the cost-per-cup details for the continent as a whole:

  • The average price of a coffee on the continent of Africa is $1.83
  • The cheapest place to buy a cup of coffee in Africa is Tunisia, where you pay just $0.56
  • In the Seychelles a cup of coffee costs an average of $3.43, the most expensive in Africa

Automica Coffee Pricing Africa

Below, is our breakdown of the price of coffee for each of Africa´s sub-regions, along with some details of how Africans enjoy this caffeinated beverage.

Northern Africa

In North Africa, how much coffee is drunk varies greatly from country to country. In Tunisia, consumption has grown in a few years from just 1.2kg per person per year to around 3.59kg. Something similar has happened in Morocco. There coffee consumption hovered around 0.80 kg per head for decades, until 2020 when it suddenly spiked. In 2021, they drank 1.27kg per person, which is an increase of more than 21%. In Morocco, coffee is usually a 50/50 mix of coffee and milk, which is called “nus-nus”.

  • Coffee costs an average of $1.27 per cup in Northern Africa
  • The cheapest cup of coffee is to be found in Tunisia, where people pay an average of just $0.56
  • The Sudan is the most expensive place in Northern Africa to drink coffee, on average a cup of coffee will set you back $1.95


Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa includes Ethiopia, which is the home of coffee. It grew in the wild there and was first consumed in the 8th century.

Yet, despite this very long history, in many sub-Saharan African countries, coffee is rarely drunk. On average, consumption hovers around the 20 cups per year mark. This is largely down to economics.

According to the World Bank around 85% of the population lives on less than $5.50 per day, 67% of whom live on less than $3.30. So, only about 15% of sub-Saharan Africans can afford to drink coffee in cafes and even they would be unlikely to be able to do it more than a few times a year. For most sub-Saharan Africans, coffee is a rare and much-relished treat. So, when they drink it, they like it strong, very strong and black. This is especially the case in Somalia, Uganda (Kahawa Tungu), Kenya (Kahawa Chungu) and Rwanda (Kahawa Nyeusi).

Likely, it will be instant coffee that bridges the gap between the desire for coffee and affordability. Big multinationals like Nescafe are targeting the area and in places like Uganda, more affordable instant coffee is already very popular, where it is called Africafe.

  • On average a cup of coffee in Sub-Saharan Africa costs $1.63
  • The cheapest cup of coffee is to be found in the birthplace of coffee – Ethiopia, where it costs just $0.67 per cup
  • Drinking coffee in Seychelles is very expensive, at $3.43 per cup it is the most expensive in Sub-Saharan Africa


OK, that´s it for our continent-by-continent overview of the price of a cup of coffee. Below, we briefly look at where prices are likely to go in the near future.

The future of global coffee prices and consumption

According to the International Coffee Organization (ICO), coffee consumption increased by 4.2% to 175.6 million bags for the coffee year of 2021/22. The first quarter of 2023 also showed growth, but this was slower at around 1.7%. This is largely due to the higher cost of living in many countries.

It is also costing more to produce, process, transport, roast and prepare coffee. In addition, climate change has recently led to lower yield rates. All of which is pushing the price up beyond the reach of many consumers. Therefore, despite the fact people want to drink more coffee, the ICO expects consumption rates to grow at a slower pace.

Methodology and Sources

To produce our study, we utilised TripAdvisor to identify cafés in every country’s capital. Next, we scanned through café listings to select three with detailed menus, specifically noting the cost of an Americano (or espresso), latte, and cappuccino. We then calculated the average coffee price across all types and cafés for each city. Cities lacking three cafés with available menus were excluded from our study. All prices, originally listed on local menus, were converted to US dollars. Prices taken as of January 2024.

When reading this study, please bear in mind that these are the prices in each country´s capital city. In most places, the price of coffee varies. Often, in smaller cities and towns it will be a bit cheaper, while in more rural places it can be a bit more expensive.