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Create Electrifying Digital Signage for Your Club

Use digital signage software from Mandoe to create stunning digital signs that increase sales and drive revenue at your club

Club Marketing Success - How it Works

Get the basics right

As a club owner, you are not merely selling food and drinks or a place to hang out. You are selling an experience to your clubgoers. Consumer studies show that spending on experiences offer a bigger bang for bucks in terms of happiness than buying things. So why not make use of this insight to boost visitor numbers, sales and profits?

Make it exciting, exhilarating, fun!

In your experience marketing you are targeting mostly young adults. Your marketing strategies should appeal predominantly to the 18 to 25 age group, and up to 35, if you want to spread your marketing dollars to capture a wider audience.

Get new customers, retain the old and increase daily revenues (and profits!)

Your marketing should serve three purposes: getting new customers, retaining those who already visit your venue and increasing revenue per night from everyone. To continually boost branding your venue as an exciting and trendy hotspot for clubbers, include referrals, testimonials, networking and other crowd-pulling events, discounts and incentives to new customers, special promotions of existing customers to your marketing toolbox. Don't forget to leverage your social channels, in particular Snapchat and Instagram that are popular online hangouts for your primary target audience. You say you are already doing all these things already? If so, what you need now is a way to spread the word and tell more people what an exciting venue your club is. Designing compelling digital visuals has never been easier. With our easy-to-use drag and drop signage maker, crafting digital displays that fill your club with great vibes becomes easy as ABC. Make vibrant and colorful visuals with outstanding contrasts to brighten up your brand image with thousands of industry specific templates and millions of free images and videos in our extensive digital library. The ease of creating and updating your digital visual displays cannot compare with the hassle of getting static signs and posters made. It is also more environmentally friendly since nothing gets thrown away. With digital screens, you can stop throwing away money.

Using design templates for speed, creativity and convenience

First write down or storyboard your ideas for each campaign, message and screen. Finalize the text in your message. Then you can begin with a suitable template from among thousands and tailor it to your taste and message.

Benefits digital displays in your marketing mix

Digital displays grab attention grabbers. Would you be more attracted to a faded poster on a wall or window or a well designed digital ads on a display that keeps changing each time you see it? You prefer the latter, don’t you? So do millions of other clubgoers worldwide. Is it a wonder that Las Vegas has a reputation for glamour and excitement than many cities across the globe? They are experts at leveraging digital signs. And this is also why digital signage usage is growing worldwide. Join nightclubs and other night spots to add glamour to your marketing mix. Use digital displays that grab the attention of both those already within premises and to those who pass by your club or entertainment venue? Depending on the size and location of your club, you can use one or more digital screens to expand your marketing reach. With compelling digital messaging, advertisements, videos and video walls you can share the excitement and entice new visitors to your nightclub for regular nights and for special events. To see how others benefit from  this trend, check out our No BS Digital Signage Guide for pubs, bars, clubs, night spots and other hospitality venues.

Get a bigger bang for your marketing bucks

Just like all other businesses, your club too needs to optimize the benefits of each marketing dollar spent. Digital info boards and displays can rocket fuel your marketing mix by heightening the impact of all those marketing tools noted above. Do the math. Why do you think thousands of retail and service venues are installing digital signs inside and outside their businesses? A study by the International Sign Association showed that more than half of the customers discover businesses through on-premise signage. The study also found that digital displays can improve business revenues by 7% and result in a 124% increase in profits for the businesses that use them.

Increase foot traffic and profit margins

Studies show that businesses experience a significant boost in foot traffic (17%) when they employ digital displays to replace posters and printed signs. Studies also show that seven in ten customers buy products and services because it has come to their attention via a digital display. Get people to spend more in your club by advertising more expensive items in eye-catching, compelling displays. Encouraging more people to spend more on every visit means increasing club profits per visitor.

Minimal operating costs after initial investments are paid for

Once the initial investments for screens and digital signage software is paid for, your running costs are minimal. Designing, deploying, scheduling and updating are easy and seamless. Compare that with the hassle of getting  and placing new physical promotional materials from time to time. New digital display media can be made on the fly and be ready within minutes. And you don't need to get rid of old stuff either, which adds more green cred to your business.

Creating Exciting and Glamorous Digital Displays 

Designing compelling digital visuals has never been easier. With our easy-to-use drag and drop signage maker, crafting digital displays that fill your club with great vibes becomes easy as ABC. Make vibrant and colorful visuals with outstanding contrasts to brighten up your brand image with thousands of industry specific templates and millions of free images and videos in our extensive digital library. The ease of creating and updating your digital visual displays cannot compare with the hassle of getting static signs and posters made. It is also more environmentally friendly since nothing gets thrown away. With digital screens, you can stop throwing away money.

Using design templates for speed, creativity and convenience

First write down or storyboard your ideas for each campaign, message and screen. Finalize the text in your message. Then you can begin with a suitable template from among thousands and tailor it to your taste and message.
Digital signage template

Personalize with your club’s unique visuals 

Sometimes you want to use your own photos and visuals, videos including your logo and branding elements. In fact, we recommend that you do so because it helps keep things real and is infinitely more effective. Mandoe allows you to edit your club’s digital designs with icons, text styles, graphics, and more. Remember to add your social profiles into the visuals. 

Leverage the power of hot events and community spirit

Highlight future and past community events to boost new visits, bring in regulars on extra days and drive event-day purchases. You can use social media to crowdsource event ideas. 

Leverage reach of your social channels

With Mandoe software, you can easily link your social feeds—Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and others—for display, to keep things exciting and attention worthy.  Consider live streaming events, like special nights, hot events, new DJ performances and teasers, video snippets and ads for the lineup of upcoming events. Sky’s the limit here, once you let your creative juices flow!
Digital signage template

Mix it up - Accelerate pace and infuse excitement

Excitement and fun should be your mantra for all digital display designs. Make your digital messaging exciting, thrilling, engaging, informative and entertaining by adding external content. Don’t be limited with slide-type messaging. Use the true  capabilities of the software by showing a mix of vibrant images, music videos and other venue related content. You can also mix your inhouse messaging with music videos, weather apps, news tickers, live TV or pre recorded content, to spice things up.
Digital signage template

Easily deploy to one or multiple screens

Deploy your newly crafted digital messages to your club displays with just a few clicks. You can use our software  to deploy the same message or different messaging to multiple screens at the same time. Depending on your club’s screen layout, you can create groups of screens or send signage to a single display.

Schedule dates for your displays

Mandoe’s versatile software lets you select the dates you want to display your digital signage. You don’t have to adjust time sensitive announcements on the same day. Just schedule it and be done with that. 

Set times for your daily displays

Timing matters to the success of your communications strategy. Choose the start and end times carefully. Make sure to keep things exciting. You want to ensure you capture the target audience and choose high foot  traffic times for window displays for best effect.
Digital signage template

Get insights into what's working and what isn't

Use detailed analytics of your multiple daily displays and find what promotions and advertisements delivered the best results; and what campaigns flopped. Keep on fine tuning winning digital ads and the more popular promos and events to drive up your revenues and daily profits. You will get better at crafting winning messages over time.

Templates for clubs

Choose from among thousands of professionally designed templates for clubs and other entertainment venues. There are many templates for clubs among them. Find digital templates you can use to highlight a lineup of events and guest appearances, promos, guest testimonials and special deals for new and recurrent visitors.

Landscape Digital Signage Templates

Portrait Digital Signage Templates