Create beautiful digital signage for your furniture store
Create attractive digital signage that boosts sales at your furniture store
How It Works
Create beautiful digital signage
Use Mandoe's drag and drop content builder to easily create digital signage for your furniture store
Start with a gorgeous template
Add a few details about the signage you want to create, and Mandoe will generate thousands of templates to get you started.
![Digital signage template](
Make it your own
You can choose from Mandoe's vast library of stock photos, icons, graphics, text styles, and even upload your own images and logo.
![Digital signage template](
Easily deploy to one or multiple screens
Mandoe also lets you schedule and deploy your signs from the dashboard straight to your furniture store's screens.
Deploy to one screen or many
You can group your screens or send signs to a single display.Set dates for your signage to display
Select the start and end dates for your new signage. Great for limited deals and seasonal campaigns.Set times for your signage to display
Set start and end times, perfect for displaying different marketing material throughout the day.Get insights into what's working and what isn't
Compare your furniture store's sales revenue with Mandoe's signage playlist to determine which signs deliver the best results.
Templates for Furniture Stores
Our talented Mandoe designers have created thousands of signage templates for furniture stores to use, including 2-for-1 promotions, limited offers, combo deals, showcasing new products, and more.