This fitness training sessions online template pictures a lady in black exercise gear standing in the middle of a an empty gym with two dumbells in front of her feet. The dominating colors in this template are black and grey with with the white text on top of the photo really jumping out. The main text is in a rectangle saying: online sessions. Underneath in much smaller font it says: We are going love. Visit our website to find out more. With a lot of gym's and fitness centers closed during the covid pandemic, many of the members have been looking for quality online classes providing structure and motivation to keep up a healthy and active lifestyle. This template is perfectly suitable to be used as a DL flyer, poster or social media ad, with as the call to action a link to the website and the live feed with a livestream of the class happening at the time as well as a library with all the classes that have been streamed in the past so people can go back to the work out they like or enjoyed the most. An overview of the different types of classes, a timetable and all the information potential new members will be looking for.
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Fitness Training Sessions Online Template