How Mandoe helped
Who, what & where
6X Training is a boutique gym located in Maroubra NSW. Their mission is to provide an inspiring, energetic and caring team of fitness professionals, passionate and qualified to help members achieve success in health and fitness. Members have access to a wide range of services including exercise physiology, personal training, small group training, massage, and in-house events.
The Requirement
6X Training wanted to modernise their fitness studio and increase engagement amongst members whilst training. Owner Brad explained, “I was looking for a way to give the studio a real polished look. I’d seen other gyms use digital signage and I was really curious as to how it could work for us.” “It’s also really important to me that our members receive lots of encouragement for the terrific progress they make. This got me thinking about some sort of digital leaderboard.” Brad also wanted an interactive solution to greet members when they arrived at the studio and keep them informed about upcoming in-house events. “We had printed signs promoting events such as our Christmas parties and external group sessions like our regular ‘sand dune challenge.’ They weren’t getting the cut-through with prompting members to purchase tickets.” And because of this, it meant staff would have to spend their time contacting members through other methods to get the sales. “Instead of providing a great service to our members, staff would be spending their time sending out emails and calling them trying to sell tickets.” And the costs associated with printing signs and purchasing stock digital images began to wear thin on Brad. “It was a cost to the business that I wanted to eliminate — it was like throwing money down the drain.”
The Solution
Using Mandoe 6X Training was able to install a digital signage solution with two displays placed in the reception and studio areas. The reception display is used as a virtual staff member for greeting customers and promoting their in-house events. “The digital sign keeps the space fresh, it’s not stagnant like with printed signs – people are always seeing different things about our business.” “It’s generally the first thing a customer sees when entering, it’s visually appealing and gives the business a real polished look.” Whereas in the studio, digital signage is used for engaging and educating members whilst they exercise. “It really helps keep our members motivated when they see the amazing results their peers have achieved. Having the sign rotate with different messages keeps them engaged as well.” “We can easily update our signs and give a shout-out and words of encouragement to our members or promote some nutritional information on supplements we have available to purchase.”The Benefit
The impacts were immediate with Brad seeing a 20% saving in the costs associated with printing and purchasing digital images. “Having access to the Mandoe CMS means there are literally thousands of templates and high-resolution images – it’s all there for me. No longer am I getting signs created by a designer, purchasing images, and sending them off to the printer.” Sales have also increased by over 10% via impulse purchases. “Our digital signage triggers our members to purchase tickets to our in-house events, supplements and specialty training sessions.” And staff now have more time to focus on members and not try to sell tickets to members. “It’s great, staff aren’t doing a last-minute call around to ask if they’re interested in one of our events as they’re already sold out. Members now walk in, see the sign and they’re prompted to make a purchase or inquiry.”Written by Lachlan Ross
Marketing Manager at Mandoe
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